Arthur’s Seat

My last day in Edinburgh, after a half-day of Christmas shopping, I impulsively decided to climb Arthur’s Seat, the volcanic crag that overlooks the city.

arthurs seat photo

It’s an easy hike, which is a good thing, since I was wearing Dansko hospital clogs and carrying a messenger bag stuffed with lambswool scarves, Shetland lace, graphic novels, and ceramics.

I started by taking the long Radical Road that climbs alongside the Salisbury Crags.

radical road

Then I crossed the saddle and kept hiking.

hiking trail

Edinburgh is at 56 degrees latitude, and winter days are short. When I reached the summit, it was 3:45 PM and the sun was already setting.

family on arthurs seat

It was fully dark when I got back down, and thus ended my last day in Edinburgh.
