Christmas of Fire and Ice

The Christmas holiday found me in Minnesota with my family, where everything was blissful and perfect, apart from the blizzard, the bitter cold, and the neighbor’s house catching on fire.

The skies were lined with silver, the low temperatures producing some of the most striking sun dogs I’ve ever seen.

Sun dog over snow

On Boxing Day, we experienced high drama when the house next door caught fire. Our neighbors quickly got out but couldn’t find their cat! Thankfully a firefighter located the frightened kitty and emerged from the building with a safe little fluff ball in his arms. Let’s all raise a glass to the heroic firefighter.

fire truck and house with smoke

As always when the Gjevre clan gathers for the holidays, we decorated cookies, shared joyful tidings, made snow angels, and sang Christmas carols. (My sister was astounded that I knew the second and third verses to so many traditional carols, but I truly love Christmas, so it’s not a surprise. And what Minnesota Lutheran doesn’t know the Norwegian version of “I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve”?)

I may have shed a few tears on the plane, but that’s just gratitude and joy. The year turns, and we don’t know what the future will bring. I hope we’ll all be together soon.

Back at home, New Mexico was sparkling with snow, and Dulcie and Mithril were waiting for me.

snow on the arroyo
The view outside my window

Naturally, Dulcie tried to take Mithril’s catnip-stuffed gingerbread man.

dog and cat

For his part, Mithril felt entitled to get up on the table and inspect all the Christmas presents. This is why we can’t have anything nice.

The tree stays up until Epiphany, so we’re still celebrating the holiday. Merry Christmas, everyone!