CONvergence 2012

I’ve just returned from CONvergence, one of my favorite science fiction and fantasy conventions. The heat index in Minneapolis was 104 degrees, so I didn’t bother with my steampunky costume. But I did serve on two panels: “New Roles for Female Characters in YA Fantasy,” with Penguin editor Sharyn November, my friend Mike Levy, and […]

WisCon 35

Memorial Day weekend, we drove east to WisCon, Madison’s one-and-only feminist science fiction and fantasy convention. WisCon is my favorite con: great programming for fans and academics and writers, a strong and very real sense of community, and lots of old friends. And there was cheese! (More about that later.) WisCon 35 was really the […]

San Francisco

We went to San Francisco for a conference, and I took pictures whenever I could. Obligatory bridge photo, complete with fog. Lanterns in Chinatown, just before nightfall. At the Japanese Zen Garden, a magical beastie. A web of twisty branches. The temple at the Japanese Garden. And more lanterns. Just because.


The World Science Fiction Convention was held this year in Denver, and I was lucky enough to be there inside the Colorado Convention Center, rather than on the outside, looking in. Highlights of the conference included the Masquerade contest, the GOH speech by Lois McMaster Bujold (who had some great things to say about genre-jumping), […]

Fantasy matters a lot

…so says Neil Gaiman, who was the keynote speaker at the Fantasy Matters Conference this weekend in Minneapolis. He read the opening chapter of his new (as-yet-unfinished) novel The Graveyard Book, which was really quite charming, spooky, and lovely. I gave a scholarly presentation on Peter Jackson and Hayao Miyazaki, and I was very glad […]